Sew This
Is Love
Sub Brand Mark
Custom Colors
Launch Strategy
Sew This Is Love is an online boutique selling handmade, Disney inspired bags, masks, Key Fobs, and other fun everyday items that every Disney loving girl needs. The creator behind the brand, Kara, sells her products online through her website, Facebook and Instagram.
We set out to create a Cinderella inspired visual identity to reflect her love for Disney, with the little helper mice and birds reminding her of her kids and the magic attention she puts into every item. This really shines through in the color palette which was inspired by Cinderella’s Castle, the little bow at the end for Cinderella’s dress, fun and subtly feminine typography in her logo. I especially love the sub brand mark that reflect a sewing thimble and the needle and thread winding around to create the S and L of her logo!
Check out her site to see how it was brought to life as well as her Instagram account.

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