Welcome Friend!
Are you ready to transform your business into a brand that attracts your dream clients?
Are you frustrated that other businesses look like they have it all figured out but you are wondering how you are going to keep up with all the changes?
Do you wake up every morning worrying what your next move is?
Do you feel like you can't successfully run your business because you spend so much time trying to figure out how these dumb reels go viral?
Let's design a plan of attack together!
You have worked so hard on your dream business. Heck, it has gotten you this far and I am so proud of you for taking that leap of faith and getting started. Many people wish they could be in your shoes right now. But you know there is something more you can be doing but you just have no idea where to start.
Do I get on TikTok, Clubhouse, Pinterest, all the things? How do I do reels? Am I doing the point and dance move right? Should I create a VIP Facebook Group? What do I even post on there? Do these questions sound familiar?
That was me a year ago, I had just lost my corporate job of 8 years working with some of the largest brands all over the world. But I found myself lost in the noise of marketing myself. It was easy for me to sit at the table with a team of marketers and social media managers and come up with some amazing campaigns. But I didn't know a thing about marketing myself and what social channels I should be on.
A year later I know now how to cut through all of that digital noise and attract my dream clients. Which is why I am finally designing a 1:1 coaching session for you. To help you cut through that digital noise and get right to where your dream clients on are social.
Our plan to cut through that digital noise.
Client Homework
On The Call
Post Call Support
Yup homework, but it's fun I promise. Much like the homework I give my branding clients, it's built on the same foundation of us getting to know your business. Who are your dream clients, what is your mission statement, what are your goals! From there I am ready to jump on that 3 hour call with an outline plan of attack that we will go over.
During this 3 hour call we will go over what I have discovered about your business, the plan that I see working best for you and spoiler, it's not to be on every social platform that has ever been created. We will find where your dream clients are and who your competition is and from there develop a unique marketing plan.
Don't worry just because we said goodbye after our call you haven't gotten rid of me. After our call I will document everything we went over and send you over a copy for you to quickly refer back to, as well as our recorded call. AND there's more. You will have 30 minutes of call time to ask me anything afterwards or to look something over. But if you have been following me for a while on social you know you can always reach me in my DM on IG and I will support you in every way I can.